The children started the week by having a Teams call with Rev. Hugh discussing our RE unit of work on Sacraments, focusing on the Eucharist.
In Guided Reading we have continued to read Who Let the Gods out? The class have been making predictions on what they think will happen next. In addition to planning questions ready to ask the author for our online meeting next week!
In PE this half term we have been looking at cricket. The children have been practicing their fielding, batting and bowling skills. We are looking forward to using these new skills in our class match next lesson!
Finally, in Science we were investigating what materials dissolve in liquids. The children added baking powder, powdered paint, sugar, salt, sand and plaster of Paris to water. We were able to think of how we can make this investigation a fair test, this included: ensuring we use the same amount of water in each cup and stirring each cup a set number of times.
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The start and finish times are
08:30 hrs – 15.00 hrs.
Morning registration takes place
at 8.30am
Total number of hours of learning time - 32.5 hours a week
The start and finish times are
08:30 hrs – 15.00 hrs.
Morning registration takes place
at 8.30am
Total number of hours of learning time - 32.5 hours a week
St. Francis Catholic & Church of England Primary Academy is part of the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust, St Catherine's College, Priory Road, Eastbourne, BN23 7BL Telephone: 01273 425001 Website:
A Company Limited by Guarantee in England and Wales Registered No. 09201845
The start and finish times are
08:30 hrs – 15.00 hrs.
Morning registration takes place
at 8.30am
Total number of hours of learning time - 32.5 hours a week
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