At the start of the week, the children enjoyed learning about cricket and practising their ball skills. They also engaged well with becoming a team player in a Dodgeball team! One team was the Ronaldos and the other team was called Star Wars.
We have started travelling around the world in Geography. The children tasted foods from different European countries and discovered that each country has a different flag. They enjoyed exploring the atlases and looking for interesting places in Europe. They identified the seven continents and labelled a map of the world to show their knowledge. We even found the Isle of Wight!
The children have continued to develop their reading and writing skills with our new English learning journey. They worked extremely hard to complete their ‘blue write’ at the start of the week. Since then, we have been focussing on using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops correctly and using the simple past tense in sentences.
We have been exploring addition and showing how two (or more) parts become a whole in our Maths lessons. The children were excited to learn how a number balance works and how it can help them understand the relationship between the parts and the whole in addition.
They also used the equals sign to demonstrate the connection between different pictorial representations of number.
They have been practising writing equations and making sure their numerals and symbols are the right way round. We discovered that it doesn’t matter which part is written first in addition as the equation has to balance.
Well done, Year 1!
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The start and finish times are
08:30 hrs – 15.00 hrs.
Morning registration takes place
at 8.30am
Total number of hours of learning time - 32.5 hours a week
The start and finish times are
08:30 hrs – 15.00 hrs.
Morning registration takes place
at 8.30am
Total number of hours of learning time - 32.5 hours a week
St. Francis Catholic & Church of England Primary Academy is part of the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust, St Catherine's College, Priory Road, Eastbourne, BN23 7BL Telephone: 01273 425001 Website:
A Company Limited by Guarantee in England and Wales Registered No. 09201845
The start and finish times are
08:30 hrs – 15.00 hrs.
Morning registration takes place
at 8.30am
Total number of hours of learning time - 32.5 hours a week
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