Hi everyone,
It has been my pleasure this week to have been part of Year 6 SATs week at St Francis. Yet again the Year 6 children have been super stars, in the way they have participated in all aspects of what can be a ‘testing’ week in more ways than one.
Their behaviour has been a credit to them and their effort and attitude deserves the highest praise. The children have worked hard all year to prepare themselves and now need time to chill-out with some hard earned R&R! (Rest and Relaxation).
On behalf of St Francis, I would like to take this opportunity to firstly thank all of the dedicated staff, who arrived early each morning, to make each ‘SATs breakfast’ such a success. In particular I would especially like to thank Miss Richardson for her conscientious work in ensuring the highest standards of Hygiene were maintained in the kitchen, Mrs Sparrow who has no equal when buttering bread at supersonic speed, Mrs Bone and Mrs Rooney who seemed to be everywhere when needed, and of course Mrs Sharp who provide a range of breakfast goodies, helping to give all the children the best start to the day.
I would also like to all of you parents, guardians and relatives because your help in preparing and supporting the children throughout the year and by ensuring that they were in school on time every day, has been vital towards the children’s success this week – thank you all!
Finally, even though SATs is over, Year 6 isn’t and there are a lot more exciting experiences to come this year. Look out for more information in the school newsletter and let’s all continue to ensure that your child continues to experience a great year.
We are still rocking at St Francis – Booyakasha …
Best wishes,
The Year 6 Team
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The start and finish times are
08:30 hrs – 15.00 hrs.
Morning registration takes place
at 8.30am
Total number of hours of learning time - 32.5 hours a week
The start and finish times are
08:30 hrs – 15.00 hrs.
Morning registration takes place
at 8.30am
Total number of hours of learning time - 32.5 hours a week
St. Francis Catholic & Church of England Primary Academy is part of the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust, St Catherine's College, Priory Road, Eastbourne, BN23 7BL Telephone: 01273 425001 Website: https://dcat.academy
A Company Limited by Guarantee in England and Wales Registered No. 09201845
The start and finish times are
08:30 hrs – 15.00 hrs.
Morning registration takes place
at 8.30am
Total number of hours of learning time - 32.5 hours a week
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