St Francis Catholic and Church of England Primary Academy is part of the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust (DCAT).
Further information about DCAT, including its Members and Directors and statutory information can be found on the following website:
The Trust's financial and governance statements can be viewed using the following link:
A Transition Board is a model DCAT uses when schools are joining the Trust and/or where rapid improvement work is required. The benefits are the expertise of the group and their experience. This group provides clarity, pace and a strong foundation to move forward from. The long term plan is to move the governance arrangements to a Local Governing Body.
The membership details can be downloaded below. If you wish to contact the Transition Board or the Chair, Mandy Watson, please email Annie Park, Clerk to the Board
The start and finish times are
08:30 hrs – 15.00 hrs.
Morning registration takes place
at 8.30am
Total number of hours of learning time - 32.5 hours a week
The start and finish times are
08:30 hrs – 15.00 hrs.
Morning registration takes place
at 8.30am
Total number of hours of learning time - 32.5 hours a week
St. Francis Catholic & Church of England Primary Academy is part of the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust, St Catherine's College, Priory Road, Eastbourne, BN23 7BL Telephone: 01273 425001 Website:
A Company Limited by Guarantee in England and Wales Registered No. 09201845
The start and finish times are
08:30 hrs – 15.00 hrs.
Morning registration takes place
at 8.30am
Total number of hours of learning time - 32.5 hours a week
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