Malala Yousafzai Class News April 2024

Malala Yousafzai Class • April 26, 2024

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The start of our athletics programme

Despite the weather this week trying it’s hardest to hold back the proper onset of Spring, for the first time this year we were able to go out onto the school field to begin our athletics programme. The Year 5 class performed extremely well in the “Bleep Test”, a really challenging fitness test that requires stamina, determination and grit. Amazingly, one group of pupils managed to make it through to level 14. Outstanding!


Our new term has begun with a range of new topics. In History, we have begun to consider the impact of the Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons on Great Britain, and the interaction between these two societies. We have a fascinating classroom display that provides some insight into what we will be studying and investigating in the coming weeks. 

We’re reading ‘Holes’ by Louis Sachar

In class, for our Guided Reading aspect of the curriculum, we have been begun reading “Holes” by Louis Sachar. A story about a boy who, through a miscarriage of justice, is sent to a juvenile detention centre in the middle of the relentless heat made even more dangerous by the poisonous, sometimes deadly wildlife in a Texan desert. Are the boys just digging holes as a punishment, or is there something else happening that we don’t know about yet?  Has the “family curse” condemned Stanley Yelnats to more bad luck or will he find a way to turn his ongoing bad luck into something more positive?

And to sum it all up…

In Maths, the children have been working on consolidating their knowledge of the key mathematical operations – this week focusing on addition and subtraction. It has been rewarding to see a good number of children making a “personal breakthrough”, grasping the key concepts and feeling more confident and determined.

Well done everybody!

Year 5 wish you all a wonderful weekend.

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